What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Marvin Winans sits at the organ and flawlessly sings “What a friend we have in Jesus”. This line sends chills down my body for a few reasons. One, the man can sang (yes, I misspelled it for emphasis), also because it reminds me as a Christian of a spiritual discipline that I often neglect – prayer.

The implications of prayer are these. Prayer reveals our heart to ourselves and allows us to commune with God in times of loneliness. I appeal to these because loneliness has befriended me, and I am finding my heart is bearing this pain.

“What a friend we have in Jesus”

The song exclaims that we have a friend in Jesus. To my fault, I know nothing about a good friend. Not because people are not around me that care about me but because I am difficult to befriend. Maybe I ask for too much. Maybe I am not friend worthy. Whatever the reason, it exists. To this point, I have no knowledge of how we can have a friend in Jesus because I have no friends outside of Jesus.

“Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer”

Jesus said, in this life we will have trouble (John 16:33), but He offers us a peace that transcends our understanding (Philippians 4:13). I imagine it is this peace we forfeit when we neglect to bring everything to God in prayer. I can say firsthand there are pains I bear that this writer indicates we need not carry. Jesus offers us the opportunity to cast our cares on him for His yolk is easy and not burdensome (1 Peter 5:7). If you’re like me, where in your life are you feeling yourself taking the burden of life on yourself and not taking it to the Lord in prayer? You may be married like me; I have found that it isn’t enough to tell your spouse. We need the Lords helping and eternal hand.

“Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness”

The Bible says we have a high priest that is able to empathize with us because He was tempted in every way (Hebrews 4:15). This begs the questions, was Jesus lonely like me? Did it seem like there was a shortage of friends that tangibly cared for Him? I know He was the Son of God and Man, and the Messiah but did Jesus actually feel what we feel? I think we can accept that He did. We have priest that loves us. Jesus’ role of priest highlights that He shepherds our heart as a pastor would his church and a shepherd His sheep. He lovingly guides our steps. Wipes our tears one eye after another and reminds us that He is the highest in the land and He cares. Let that encourage your crying heart that Jesus is not only King, but He is our shepherding Priest that carries our burdens, knows every weakness, yet accepts you as his chosen adopted child to weep in His arms. What a friend He is indeed!

“Take it to the Lord in prayer”

It’s no surprise the last line is the admonishment to take it to the Lord in prayer. We miss the fullness of Jesus we when do not give Him the opportunity to share how He is a friend to you and me. Some would phrase this sentence as “Just take it to the Lord.” This gives the impression that prayer is natural, easy. It is not! Prayer implies we are not enough, and we are in need; that we are!

So, what is the solution? Take it to the Lord in prayer. In loneliness, take it to the Lord in prayer. In joyfulness, take it to the Lord in prayer. In pain, take it to the Lord in prayer. Whatever it is, take it to the Lord in prayer. We have a Shepherd, King, and mostly, we have a friend in Jesus! Indeed, what a friend He is!

Here is the link that got me going - https://youtu.be/U59IRp1GLc8


On Psalm 35